Day 2



November seems to be the best season in the desert. It’s not that hot during the day, and although it’s cold at night, it doesn’t freeze like it does in January and February.


Just as people have fingerprints, deserts have wind patterns.


“In the morning, we walk for 2 to 3 hours before having lunch. We also take a break and let the camels rest by unloading their baggage. When choosing rest stops and campgrounds, we look for places with shrubbery to provide food for the camels and wood for our campfire.”


The camels have unique personalities.
There were 6 camels. Some camels were in a bad mood because their luggage was heavy. As much as I felt bad, I found it quite cute and funny.


When they sit, they cleverly fold their front and hind legs. It might be the first time I’ve seen a camel. I had no idea they were such tall animals.


Despite it being my first time, I feel a sense of familiarity with this scenery. It seems to effortlessly blend into my being.


This light and easy-going fella is apparently a racing camel, not one to carry cargo. It seems he was brought here to get a feel for his footing. He traveled at his own pace, but always followed us properly. 


Camels’ hooves, they are so sturdy.


The footprints are our lifeline. If we lose sight of the caravan, just follow these footprints.
The pace of the camel’s stride is faster than I expected.


Dung beetle trails were cute.


I haven’t seen any living creatures except for dung beetles, flies, hawks, and birds that singing in the early morning.


The fine and silky Sahara sand manages to find its way everywhere, yet strangely, it’s not as bothersome as I’d expect. Just being in the desert, I’m sure a fair amount of the sand finds its way into my mouth. Occasionally, I become aware of the gritty sensation of sand in my mouth.(Lol).


Camel dung is black and easy to find, and can serve as a guidepost in the desert.
(Camels defecate while walking!)


The desert landscape is shaped by wind and seasonal rains. It includes sand dunes, sand plains, sand seas (ergs), rocky plateaus (hamadas), gravel plains (regs), dried riverbeds (wadis), salt flats (chotts), and more. Ergs are the iconic images of sand dunes stretching in the Sahara, and while they are a significant part, comprising only 14 percent of the entire desert, much of the Sahara is characterized by plateau-like rocky deserts.(Wikipedia)


Before the sun sets, we start preparing for the camp. The camels also have their baggage unloaded, and it’s time for their dinner.”


The moon has begun to rise over the desert.
